Tongue/Lip Tie

Is it?


Isn't it?

Let's find out.

Come for a visit!

Make clear choices, find your best direction.

Have confidence knowing you are doing what is best for baby.

Milk Management

Speaking + Eating

Feeding Babies

Learn More about Tongue and Lip Tie.

All the: who, what, when where, how and why answered

perfectly for you!

Tongue and Lip Tie? Wondering what this bodywork is and why it might benefit you and your baby

"RTOTS: What it is and what it is not"

Information on Tongue ties and oral care for your baby.

Definitions of treatments, diagnoses.

How and why and which combinations of treatments can be most beneficial.

Schedule a session with Julee for you, your baby and even, the whole family!

Get facts, details and directions.

Holy cow, you’re dealing with a tongue and lip tie.....? Now what? Let's talk...the straight stuff.

Tongue and lip tie, is it or isn’t it? Imagine what it would be like to know for sure, to be clear, be sure just what you want to do about it, when, why, where, with who and how.

It could ease a lot of worry and stress to know what for you is best.

Imagine easier feedings, your baby less fussy and can be put down comfortably. What would it be like to know you have enough milk, or that you are giving your baby just the right amounts in the ways that work best for them?

Parents come to me with desire to seek their perfect solutions. . Sometimes it is hard to know your best answers when we read and hear conflicting evidence....lately it seems, about everything!

There is no one size fits all....really, for much at all; especially when it comes down to people...each a unique individual.

Here: get facts, evidence, truthful discussion...even if the answer is "We don't know yet"

Many parents are now questioning: Does my baby have a tongue or lip tie?

Let's get together, take a look, have a talk. I'll show you techniques supporting growth and development no matter what’s going on.

Schedule a consult and get it checked out.

Are you wondering if your child has a tongue or lip tie?

Do you already know there is a tongue and/or lip tie, maybe afraid to get a "look-see?"

What if it is and then what?

How to find and be confident in your best solutions?

Current choices and procedures often leave parents confused and conflicted. They tell me they are searching the internet, asking other parents, friends and social media to guide them. This leaves them unsure and frustrated.

When we are tired, sore and want to be sure, feeling

desperate we are willing to try anything.

Let get together and have some fun figuring out what to try and why.

Be sure what you are doing and be clear in the signs to watch for to know it is working.

"The Great Unwind"

Think about it...every baby is curled up tight inside. In a ball, they cannot help it.

That is how they are inside. Tight balls, hardly moving...especially at the end. Depending on how they make their exit, depends on their tone, tension, sensory processing and system regulations and feedbacks. Don't worry....we check all that...and work together to do the unwinding and figuring out how to get and stay in alignment.

There is evidence showing tongue and lip ties can impact breathing, oral health sleep, digestion, growth, attention, development. Tongue ties might impact speech, eating, feeding and familial relationships.. mealtime is social time, family time,

important development time.. BIG TIME!

RTOTs can significantly impact a child’s feeding, swallowing and speech skills. TOTs can also impact the healthy oral, facial and airway development of children in a variety of ways.

We get together online or in person, offering assessment, education and guidance to make confident and informed choices they know are right. If you are looking to find clarity and the ultimate path for you....I'd love to meet you! 🌺

Tongue Tie Treatments In Person and by Telehealth?

Let's navigate the intricate world of your baby's feeding, care, and overall well-being together. Remember, you're not alone; families worldwide are wrestling with decisions and options about Restricted and Tethered Oral Tissues aka RTOTS (tongue, lip, and cheek tie).

We refer to it as a "release" or "revision." Some call it "untie" or "cut." These terms signify "freeing" tethered oral tissues, creating space for movement. The journey doesn't end there.

Before and after the release, our sessions combining a variety of care modalities support complete release — that's where our expertise truly shines. We focus on enhancing this healing journey, partnering closely with parents and babies, supporting the release or unwinding the whole body."

Consider this: A baby inside is curled up in a ball. They can be totally tight in their mouth and whole body. A baby's world centers around their mouth. Specific reflex points in the mouth bring comfort and support digestion. Knowing how to support your baby during this time can be a key to a smooth and easy release.

Post-release instructions are to support the initial healing. Just like any other procedure, a release won't magically fix everything and no solution or support is one size fits all. Every person's story is unique. Through my studies and practical experience, I've witnessed

pre-release treatments and bodywork alongside post-release procedures work wonders for both you and your baby.

Learn essential techniques beforehand, from placing fingers comfortably in your baby's mouth to understanding specific signs unique to your little one. Our approach is far from uniform; after all, who grows and eats the same way?

We emphasize functional aspects, enhancing the complete release with our unique approach

Mouth Moves!©

The procedure marks the beginning of a crucial journey, but before and after care is vital

It's promising to see increased attention in this area, but remember, a mere "cut" won't suffice for the tether. Let's meet and delve into the specifics to find the perfect path for you.

Follow these steps for figure out your personal tongue and lip tie details and how-to's:

First: Schedule your consult by filling out the form on our site. We'll email you session details within 24 hours.

Second: Join for your scheduled visit, whether in person or online.

Third: Empower yourself with a management approach, armed with a visit summary and a shareable link for your care providers. You'll know exactly what to look for and receive feedback, ensuring you stay on track.

Fourth: Dive in with super fun practical activities supporting optimal

eating, sleeping, digestion, and development!

These sessions are enjoyable and tailored to your lifestyle.

Discover specific tools and techniques designed uniquely for your babies optimal release.

Feeling overwhelmed? Remember, it's not just a baby getting this standard procedure; it's a transformative journey for both of you. Transform to confident easy feedings, happy and contented babies. These sessions offer hope, simplicity, and remarkable results.

Let's embark on this together. Don't hesitate; secure your spot today.

Looking forward to making a significant difference in your baby's life with you. 🌺

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